Anxiety can be a very debilitating condition which affects many differing areas of life. It develops from the way we think - such as having worrying thoughts about what might happen to us or our loved
ones, or what may occur in any given situation.
These anxious thoughts increase anxious feelings and so a vicious circle can begin. Also, intense physical feelings may be present, such as palpitations, sweating, trembling hands and feeling dizzy
or light-headed. Understanding these common sensations, unpleasant as they may be, can stop you feeling anxious about them. You can accept them as normal rather than dangerous.
Catastrophic, or extreme thinking leads to extreme reactions, both emotionally and physically. The aim of therapy is to balance this attitude and face up to the fear until the anxiety reduces. This is done in
manageable stages, always challenging but not overwhelming.
If anxiety is not treated you lose confidence when you find you cannot do something you thought you could do, so it puts you off attempting things that might be difficult. In the end there may be
a wide range of things you no longer do. The less you do, the less confident you feel. The less confident you feel, the less you feel like doing.
Allow counselling and CBT give you a helping hand.